Are you hitting the healing ceiling?

Dec 21, 2024

Hitting the Healing Ceiling

"The human body has limitations; the human spirit is boundless.”

Dean Karnazes

There’s an invisible ceiling I’ve seen people hit in their healing journey, especially when working through deep trauma like childhood abuse or neglect. This ceiling is reached when people have gone as far as standard psychology can take them. Our human perspective can only judge such things as abuse as negative and wrong.

To keep healing and letting go our difficult experiences, we need a broader frame in which to place them. Only on soul-level can we start to make sense of trauma; the reasons, purpose and meaning of terrible events are only apparent when we get spiritual. We will explore these reasons more in future newsletters, but the main one is for the growth and evolution of our eternal soul.

To fully heal out the past, we need to understand the deeper purposes of our challenges. Powerful questions to ask are:

What has developed in me, not despite my trauma, but because of it?
Would I be the same person today if I hadn’t been through the ordeals of my past?

If we don’t explore the spiritual perspective, we can get stuck in survivor mode. But when we expand our mind, our consciousness, we finally reconnect with who we really are — our true Self beyond time and space, beyond body, brain and personality.

Then we can remember ourselves as beloved children of the Divine, eternal souls, creative beings of Love. Then the purposes and gifts of trauma can be known and our balancing completed.

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”

T. S. Eliot

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