Climbing the Healing Tree

Jan 30, 2025

If the core healing principle is love, the essence of the healing journey is return. Return to alignment. Return to our true Self. Return to Home.

A good metaphor for this journey is climbing a tree. Just as we love to climb up high as children, so as adults we feel that call to raise our consciousness. Healing is about reconnecting to our higher, spiritual Self and bringing that Energy back into the physical.

The beginning of our journey is in the mud and muck of life. In the dirt and grime of human experience. While there is great beauty in the world, there is still a lot of hateful ugliness here. That is what we land in as children, more or less. We start in the messy stuckness of overwhelming experiences, pain, trauma.

Let us look at this as the root system of the tree, the basic physical aspects of ourself, where the raw material of our wounding lies. Stress, pain, dysregulation in our body. Nerves on edge. Organs in overload. Systems inflames and demanding attention.

So we begin by cleaning up the roots of our being with basic love and care. Think breath, grounding, nutrition, relaxation, safety and security, vagus nerve stimulation. Getting our physical self into a state of calm and ease allows everything to work properly again. We settle our deeper subconscious mind.

Our foundational roots become solid.

Then we climb onto the trunk of our tree, bringing our adult resources into the process. The power of our rational understanding makes sense of our negative beliefs, our psychological patterns, the dysfunction of our caregivers. We bring this great light of mature awareness to the lost, confused child inside through hypnotherapy. We change our mind.

Our present day, adult trunk becomes more open and empowered.

Eventually we reach the branches of our superconscious mind, so close to the sun we can feel its loving warmth. Here we can receive the wisdom, strength and kindness of our greater Self, washing away the harsh residue of battle. Even forgiveness - of others and self - becomes a possibility.

The leaves of our being are fed by the sun, and they share that food with all the tree below.

Beyond the canopy exists all the freedom and energy of Source, the Spirit at the heart of our soul and all around us. Plugged into infinite supply, our tree may remain on earth for now, but is constantly being nourished by the love, light and joy of Prime Creator.

I am passionate about my own tree climbing, and helping others with theirs. By cleaning up the roots and accessing the heights, all parts of our self tree can stand in their authority and bring loving shelter to those around us.

Happy climbing!

My new book, From Trauma Survivor to Soul Warrior (Manuscripts Press, due September 2025), explores these ideas in more detail, including practical suggestions and guided processes.

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