Deep gratitude

Jan 16, 2025

Holding the energy of gratitude is a powerful ally as we heal out our pain. Gratitude is a thought-feeling which runs at a high vibration; when we cultivate it in our mind and heart, it lifts us and helps us to reconnect with our greater Self. We return to the love, peace and freedom we desire.

Acceptance, holding space, sitting with. These tools are what work both in releasing the old, negative energies, and in developing better new ones. In the same way we need to be present to our old fear-guilt-rage, we can use gratitude practice to fill the space we are creating through our healing work.

Most healing work happens in gentleness. To grow gratitude, try breathing it into your awareness and holding space for the thoughts, ideas and feelings as you exhale:

I breathe in gratitude for ….

I allow these feelings to be here as I exhale.

Often gratitude is associated with the immediate things around us, like a beautiful morning, a good meal, the smile from a neighbour. It is good practice to notice and appreciate all the elements of our life that we often take for granted.

However, these qualities are only at the surface level. Deep gratitude asks us to consider the enduring qualities of our existence, such as:

I am grateful for You, beloved Source of All, that you are Love, Peace, Joy and nothing but Perfect Love. Thank you for the permanence and purity of Who You Are.

I am grateful for my existence, my consciousness, my life. Thank you Creator, for creating me as your holy, eternal child. I know I am safe forever in your Love.

I am grateful for everyone and everything around me, who seem to be separate but I know are part of me in truth. Thank you for the Oneness that we all enjoy in the ocean of loving connection.

Contemplating such deep truths allows our heart to fill with thankfulness, bringing an uplifting stillness into our lives. This love then radiates outwards to all life, assisting in the raising of consciousness throughout the planet.

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