Reconnecting with your True self

Jan 12, 2025

What is our True Self?

The subtitle of my upcoming book is, Reconnect to Your True Self. The idea of us having a truer, deeper identity is both familiar and foreign to us. What does that term mean and is it true?

I have a beautiful Tibetan thangka (spiritual painting) of Buddha in His House. A small, smiling Buddha sits in the middle of a complex mandala, peaceful and shining. This thangka represents the real Self, our Buddha nature, which resides at the centre of our being.

In the back of our mind, we remember this Self, because it is who we are and where we came from: we cannot not be our Self at the end of the day, because we remain as Source created us. In our fragmented mind, we have merely forgotten who we are, and wander around this “world of dreams and malice” (A Course in Miracles) in temporary insanity.

The illusion of separation from Source, Self and Others, is the cause of all our fear and suffering. Our one, main purpose in life is to remember who we are.

My book is all about healing out of our traumatic stress, all the way from the roots of emotional release, through psychological understanding and inner child work, to the spiritual awareness that our Buddha Self was never really harmed. Our soul has grown and strengthened, but our Spirit was never damaged.

To reconnect to our true Self is the ultimate goal of healing. When we reintegrate the fragments of ego self stuck in this relative world of pain, our mind restores its wholeness. We return to the Absolute world of who we really are, connected to everything and everyone else.

We are Home once more in the peace, joy and love of Self and Source.

My book Presale Crowdfunding Campaign is now on! Your support helps me to create a paperback, an ebook, an audiobook and even a hardcover copy.

There are different ways you can support, from buying one copy, to ten copies with ten personal therapy sessions included! I have packed each option with heaps of bonuses and perks, to make it highly beneficial to you as well as super helpful for me.

So I invite you to join me on this publishing adventure, buy a copy in advance, join the feedback team, even get your name in the Acknowledgements!

I would love your support in whatever way you can manage. It is all greatly appreciated.

Re-order my new book


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